Home Remedies For Shoulder Pain | A condition in which the inflammation, pain and stiffness in the shoulder region makes it difficult for the shoulder joints to move is known as frozen shoulder. Some of the causes believed to be responsible for frozen shoulder are injury or trauma, autoimmune functioning and lack of fluids in the joint. Symptoms of it may basically include dull pain, pain in outer shoulder area and upper arm and pain while you move your arm.
The people suffering from stroke, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease or lung disease are more likely to get affected by frozen shoulder. It is most common among people who are forty to sixty years old. Women are twice more likely to get affected by frozen shoulder than men. Those who have undergone a surgery on the shoulder or those who have sustained an injury in shoulder can also develop frozen shoulder. There are basically three stages of frozen shoulder; painful stage, frozen or adhesive stage and thawing stage.
Home Remedies
There are many home remedies for frozen shoulder which are easy to follow and safe to use at home. Some of the popular home remedies are:
1. One of the effective home remedies for frozen shoulder is to do some stretching. It will increase your range of motion.
2. Heat pack is also considered to be one of the efficient home remedies. It helps in making the stiff joints and muscles loose as well as reduce pain. All you need to do is apply a hot compress on the affected region for fifteen minutes. Follow this process three to six times a day.
3. Take some mustard oil and heat it in a pan. Now take three to four cloves of garlic. Crush these garlic cloves and put them in the pan and wait till they turn dark brown. Allow this mixture to cool down a little bit. Massage your shoulder with this warm oil. It will reduce the pain caused by this problem.
4. Black sesame seeds are very effective in giving relief from the pain. All you need to do is take a spoonful of black sesame seeds and soak them in water. Allow it to steep overnight and the next morning you can consume these seeds along with the water.
5. You can even try acupuncture which is basically a pain killing procedure.
6. Along the front of the body cross your arms. Now with the help of other arm try to press affected arm towards the chest. Practice this procedure for thirty seconds two times in a day. This procedure is very effective in improving the range of motion of your arm. It will also prevent any further stiffness.
7. Eat warm and fresh meals only. Consume hot soups made with pulses, lentils or meat with dash of long pepper, powdered ginger and black pepper.
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